My pronouns are: Fae/she
I was born on: 09/09/06
My favorite food is: Sushi rolls
Cats or dogs: Cats
I am transfem & intersex.
My brain is spicy (autism)
I am indigenous american.
my fursona is a goat
My favorite videogames: Cave-Story, Noita, Rain World, Elden Ring, Dead Space, Pikmin, Sonic the Hedgehog, Spelunky, Terraria, Half-Life, Team Fortress, Deltarune, Left 4 Dead, Lisa The Painful, Hotline Miami
My favorite anime: Welcome to the N.H.K., One Piece, Parasyte -the maxim-, Death Note, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Fist of the North Star, Azumanga Daioh
My favorite music: Snail's house, Radiohead, Land of Talk, Mitski, HOME, Metallica, Billy Joel, alot of synthwave
Big fan of Terrifier
Things I do: Video game development (Roblox, RPG MAKER, Godot), Drawing (digital and traditional)
my comfort character is chopper from one piece / sue sakamoto from cave story
Starlight Symphony will return